Client satisfaction: our number one priority

19 May 2015 373
Client satisfaction is the number one priority for each law firm in the Phatshoane Henney Group. In support thereof the Phatshoane Henney Group adopted client service standards (“Standards”) which target the achievement of high levels of client satisfaction as a critical aspect of ensuring each member firm’s position as the firm of choice for its clients. 

“A satisfied client is a happy client. Lawyers often forget that they work in a service industry where the relationship with a client, including their trust and satisfaction, is the most important factor underpinning their continued loyalty and support. But trust and loyalty is earned - and you do not earn such with unsatisfied clients. In recognition of this, we as a group of firms have embarked on a revolutionary process of establishing standards and best practices targeting client satisfaction as a key metric of a firm’s performance. With these standards and practices we hope to improve the already high satisfaction rates of our group firms, underpinning why Phatshoane Henney member firms are indeed a new breed of law firm,” remarks Douglas Henney, Group Chair. 

He adds, “To be the number one firm for our clients, each member firm must add value and ensure that the client is prioritized in all decisions taken by the firm. This requires a mind shift from focusing only on expertise and the legal production process, to a greater focus on adding value, communicating constructively and ensuring that the overall experience of the service is of a high standard. Taking nothing away from the former – expertise must always remain – but emphasizing value and satisfaction requires an active repositioning of the importance of the client within the firm with management and staff. And this is what informs the commitment of each member firm to our Standards.”

The Standards emphasize the importance of client needs and expectations in the repositioning of a firm’s service priorities. The Standards also stress the importance of client privacy, data security and the need to set ethical and professional standards for all staff, including being responsive and addressing client complaints without delay. Ultimately, they provide the basis for the measurement of the satisfaction levels of their clients, with comprehensive annual satisfaction surveys conducted to allow clients to confidentially evaluate a firm. Such a robust process of measurement and evaluation enables each firm to identify areas where they must improve or adapt to ensure that they are always in a position to serve their clients and be their firm of choice.